Letter from the President and Medical Directors - Spring 2018

Genetic medicine is an evolving area of research, knowledge, and, most importantly, for the majority of you reading this newsletter, clinical applications.  At Insight, we’ve taken the position that we can add value to the work of physicians and health care providers by persistently surveying the landscape of this evolution and making the best judgments we can regarding both standards of care and leading edge developments both in discussion with you and on behalf of your patients. 

Multi-Gene Cancer Panel Genetic Testing: Why More May Not Always Be Better

The advent of multi-gene cancer panel testing has dramatically altered the landscape of germline cancer genetic testing. An increasing number of patients are being tested for genes beyond just high-risk, well-established culprits such as BRCA1/2 and the mismatch repair genes associated with Lynch syndrome.  While broadening the scope of genetic testing allows for the increased detection of mutations overall, it is important to consider the value this information may or may not offer to individual patients as well as the possible limitations and drawbacks of expanded testing.

Genotyping Vs. Sequencing: A Guide to Prenatal Screening

As medical providers, you are constantly bombarded with messages from laboratories trying to sell you products, promising their technology is second to none and guaranteeing they can take care of all your patients. But, professional experience has revealed to you that is not the case. We hear these same messages at Insight with the added benefit of an experience team of genetic professionals to evaluate the technology and determine what tests make the most sense for our patient population.

Important Clinical Update: Insight Endorses Recent ACOG Opinion

A recent committee option just issued by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists endorses, for the first time, expanded carrier screening as an acceptable strategy for preconception and prenatal carrier screening. 

Advances in Hereditary Ovarian Cancer Genetic Counseling & Testing

It has been well established that while the majority of ovarian cancers arise sporadically, up to 20% are considered to be hereditary. Mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes provide an explanation in many of these hereditary cases, but not all suggestive personal and family histories are explained by BRCA1/2. As our awareness of additional ovarian-cancer susceptibility genes continues to grow, the scope of available genetic testing has also begun to expand.